Did I love him? Sure, especially when
I envisioned him a soulful person
and one with a chivalrous nature.
Why wouldn't I when the hundreds
of miles apart never proved me wrong.
It's so easy to be right, for anything to be
true, when no test exists, no comparison
can be made. In retrospect, there is less
evidence of its presence, but who can
see any of that when your belief system
is your staunch ally. Meanwhile in the real world
you're free from expectations a real love would impose.
This way, it's easy, so easy to say this is love
when no one requires any proof, and you
can still live and be the way you want.
Some words, some thoughts can come from
anyone, so it's easy to assume that you are
just anyone, and of course, not someone, to them.
If only young love wasn't just for the young
as aging slowly corrupts our whimsical
imagination, stops the movie from playing.
Fairy tales, then, come with an expiration date
as we forget how the unimaginable is possible
and that we are in control of our fate.
If loving a hero in a brand new fairy tale,
one of my own making, my own prerogative
is a choice I make despite the scant view
maybe, just maybe, there is more to be seen.
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