
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Waiting for a Hero

His lips were stronger than I 
imagined. His grip, firm
enough to calm my quivering.
Fingers delicately traveled 
the long edge of my back
and as limbs entwined 
I was so sure this was 
gonna be something.
I can't deny how funny
we are together, and how 
our Jewish roots bind us. 
He takes that tucked away 
part of me and invites it to play.
But how much fun do we have
before we embrace vulnerability
let it become a foundation
and maybe a serous one.
Sometimes it just doesn't come. 
I've dismissed my propensity
to form heroes, and instead, see 
emotionally wounded men 
have lost their vision of love.
How long do I wait 
before I know with certainty
there may be nothing more 
to wait for?

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