
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Off-White House

One by one 
they're walking off the stage
before the show is over
but for them, it's over.
Given lines, force fed rhetoric
of ridiculous proportions.
On the front lines
defending to the masses
that yes, he knows what 
he's doing, rationale
lost on intelligent people 
because it's not founded
on any sense of right
or justice or common good.
It's vile and villainous
degrading those lovely rooms
of history's great past
a White House taking on
a very tainted shade.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


She came out of her room
sat nearly ten feet away
across the new wood coffee 
table with cuts and digs 
just like it was made from
a tree in the backyard.
She's remained there
ate her dinner there
even commented on the 
red valances I hung.
The bedroom door is open
so of course I can see
the ripple effects of 
locking herself in her room
for days--coming out for 
food and to shower.
I let her do it
I watched her 
not speak to me and 
waited for her to realize
I'm not the enemy
or some ignoramus
who doesn't get what 
It's like to be the new kid
who thinks her new 
band mates won't get her 
and therein lies the crux--
not that they're weird 
or different but that 
maybe they'll think she is. 
I can't tell her they won't.
I want to tell her it will all
be okay because teenagers
are darlings and they are
sure to accept you as you are.
Then I know to say absolutely 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

So Wrong

I thought I meant more
was a part of the internal
conversation he has 
about his needs, his desires
his long-term love goals
that I truly wanted to fulfill.
He left early, too early
and I remained on the couch
numb, full of tears
barely believing 
he'd leave because 
I think it crazy to wait 
six years for a commitment,
and because the tiny equity 
in his house means more 
than true love and 
true friendship.
I thought we would defy 
the odds; be unbroken
and in love. Touch each other
with soft words and thoughtful
Ideas on how we could exist
together, in this world, in this life.
I was so wrong. Only tears now.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Growing Pains

I called an old friend today
one I thought I loved
through romantic-colored eyes.
I said I know now
why you had to hurt me; 
because I needed
to understand 
how real love works.
I told him I see now
and I love this man very much.
I said I'm sorry I'm a dreamer
it's a disease 
but it can be cured
with adequate doses of reality.
I'm sure there was that side 
corner smirk, laughing to
himself, as if I was the 
little sister trailing behind 
wanting to learn
be like him
have him know me 
as the grown-up 
it was time for me to be.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


I've listened to music 
like its words are real
and might jump out 
hold me tight.
They come to life
touch my hand
make me believe 
I can have it too
be a part of what
everyone else is feeling
thinking, being
with each other
and suddenly I
feel loved.
Words rise 
and speak to me
so that I'm crying 
silly, happy tears
no longer desiring 
to be special
they have made me so. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Not like when air stands still, stale
and roll up your sleeves, pull at you collar
but like soft-baked bread in your hand
moments after removed from the oven.

Not like how coffee tastes after having sat 
but like fingers pressed against heater vents
hours after dredging them in snow.

It’s the ahhh factor, the ohhh, that is so nice sentiment.
It’s his hand on my cheek or pressed lovingly at my neck.
It’s the soft words he uses when I least expect him to be soft.
It's my arm across his bare chest as we drift off to sleep.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Temporarily Displaced

First the desks were going
then us to the 4th floor
with makeshift workstations 
and lots of labeled baskets.
It rained overnight and the 
roof leaked right where 
they put us for the next 
six to eight weeks. 
Garbage cans huddled 
to catch every drop,
and this is hurricane season. 
Then the printer/copier/fax
or the end all and be all 
stroked out at 10 o'clock
down till 3 o'clock. 
I was grateful for the noise 
reduction, when always 
right at my back. And though
silenced, lovingly, for a time 
it no sooner returned 
like the rounds of 
chirping birds at dusk.
It's a drag on the 4th floor
having to share the fridge 
and water cooler with 
existing habitants who
have shown us the stink eye
more than once. 
Office workers: so damn 
territorial, like it was their 
place on the playground. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

In Today's News

People run and scream.
Pop, pop, pop comes from 
seemingly every direction 
but which, actually, 
and by whom.
Wildfires stealing homes
and endless forests.
Talk of another pedophile 
in the Vatican--quickly hushed.
Long despondent eyes 
of homeless animals
and starving children.
A new generation of corruption
and a Neo-Nazi regime
wanting to be stirred
under our feet.
The KKK adorn still 
their favorite sheets
of Mississippi white
with grade-school cutouts 
revealing dead pupils.
The American stage: a show 
depicting colossal idiocy 
as we sit in the audience
throwing over-ripe tomatoes
after every contemptuous line.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Smoked Gouda

There's miles ahead
moving under a wispy sky 
of tangerine and cream.
Wanting to rush, get home
make the sauce with bits 
of green pepper and mushroom.
It's commonly eighty nowadays 
on the speedometer
watching the gas gauge 
but too eager to melt 
smoked Gouda
over the garlic bread
a touch I left out
to surprise 
to make him smile
because it's his favorite.
I sent a text at 5:08
while cruising Future 86;
now, home, 7:00
no text back.
Wishing to matter more
he woke from the day's
exhaustion, called
and hurried right over.
The smoked Gouda
was not purchased in vain.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Signs You're Getting it Right

Despite sore calves 
and aching feet
long hours of putting 
our life into boxes 
deciding at this junction 
what stays and what goes,
there's big sunny windows
and almost perfect cooling.
There's curiously happy cats
and a positively spirited teenager
enjoying the lock on her door
staying awake all night
with excitement 
that only summer allows,
waiting for fall 
and new friends
she can invite over
to bond and giggle with
in her locked bedroom.
Meanwhile I'm celebrating 
the correct choices
I seem to be making 
says the signs posted
along the way.
And it's his warmth
his smile
his hand on mine--
the best signs of all.