
Monday, May 29, 2017

From Out of the Closet

The tiny clothes
I pulled out of 
the storage closet 
took me back
like pieces of a story
returning to you.
The plaid jumper 
from her kindergarten picture.
The t-shirt printed with 
I had my birthday party 
at Aero Gymnastics.
The wooden puzzles 
of shapes and pictures 
fitting into their perfect frames. 
The blocks with letters 
and numbers on all sides--
the ones she pulled 
in their wooden wagon 
with the red string. 
So many memories 
poured out of the closet. 
So much of who she was
who I was
who we were together. 
It seems crazy now 
that we don't need 
these things anymore 
when I once thought 
that time would last forever.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

All the Things We'll Do

Wanting assurances 
in the tone of a voice 
in the sweet spoken words.
Dismissing wonder, doubt
knowing this is real 
we are real together.
Hoping for things
finding comfort in 
synchronized sentimentality.
Living without fear, confusion 
uncertainty in one another.
Finding as many tender quiet 
moments as possible;
savoring, devouring 
not wasting even one.
Telling stories, sharing secrets
of who we were before.
Smiling at the transformation 
we have become. 
Never forgetting reciprocity 
love works no other way.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Making All The Decisions

It's tough making all the decisions. 
Floundering in variables
confounded by possibilities. 
I always hate the dismissive tone 
of others who don't have to make 
these choices. Like they could 
breeze through my hurdles 
and easily take first place.
I once hated being at the mercy 
of people but aren't we are all 
in this crazy life together? 
Suffering and succeeding equally? 
It's hard to let them have 
that stake in our outcome 
but we have to believe
along with them
a larger entity exists
holds all the real power
passes it on when the time is right. 
It's watching our lives 
like a relay race
waiting for its turn to step in.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Cucumber Salad

He has a recipe for cucumber salad
and all I can think is 
this could be it. 
Of all the coincidences 
we like the same salad.
He says one thing, then another 
and I'm laughing with
a new best friend
but one I've not yet met
laid eyes on, leaned into
for a casual embrace.
And there is the 
appropriateness of his words
sweeter than both our cucumber 
salad recipes combined.
Who thought such a gentleman
with his own cucumber salad recipe
existed. I never thought it
but now I believe it.

Monday, May 15, 2017


I'm not sure if I want to feel this way
with all it can mean
and how it can change a life.
The volley of friendship ascending
like the impetus to a crescendo.
It's safe and calm before vulnerability
then roused with possibility. 
I'm eager to jump 
but if I keep looking down
I never will.
I question if the landing will be swift 
smooth, a glide into unexplored depths
or a crash, so harsh, breaks the fall
arrests momentum
and everything from possibly being. 
I don't know if I want to feel this way.
The gradual pull is curious 
so I allow myself to be pulled
slowly, holding on at every step.
I implore possibility, tempt fate
beckon reverie as I ponder
if this will be the moment
the beginning of my eternity
when I plunge into a body of water 
fathomless, devouring
let it swallow me whole.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


I can be strong 
just when you
think I'm weak
soaking my pillow 
with tears at night
afraid of the real world--
I'm stronger than that. 
I could steamroll right 
over you if I had to,
lift you over my head
and throw you back
to your life 
like an unwanted fish
so you could master
your performance 
of the aloof executive 
who has forgotten 
everyday people 
are special too,
not just the 
high and mighty
so-called elite. 
I'm strong enough to know 
the difference between 
confident and arrogant 
kindness and patronizing. 
Can you tell which
I believe you to be?


How do you know if change
is good, is right, is coming? 
If footprints on the path 
find a fork or a cross
and take it, a shift occurs. 
And if this shift causes 
warmth from the sun's rays 
to last longer
the moon to shine brighter
and be no wind 
pressed against your chest 
but lovingly at your back
it may be a sign. 
If flowers begin to bloom 
at your feet
and up ahead there is a clearing
a vast green clearing
and you run
to feel the cool grass 
under your feet
It's definitely a sign.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Book Sale Ritual

She goes there for the poetry books
standing in the same aisle every time. 
Philosophy and psychology share the 

aisle but it's fine so long as she can dig 
on her side, unencumbered. It takes time 
to scour the stack and peruse samples 

from prospective picks. She's not much 
of an anthology girl, as she likes to get to
know a poet. Some books have yellowed 

pages, dusty covers, and a musky scent 
that comes from years of sitting on wooden 
shelves. Each has different paper, ink, fonts, 

words; everything crafty metaphors and 
inanimate personification needs. Over the
loudspeaker, We will be closing in thirty minutes. 

She checks her stack of books piled near as 
she thumbs their pages, approving the selections. 
She thinks to herself, maybe just one more.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Girl in the Price Chopper Plaza

She's standing against the wall
as I come walking out.

Worn clothes and shoes, tired,
looking in need of a fix maybe

or is it food, I can't tell which
as thin as she is. I only had a few dimes 

and pennies in my purse, and in 
her soft, careful voice, she said

That's okay, it's better than nothing.
I reached down into my pockets 

hoping I had more, and I think 
I was more disappointed I didn't.

She smiled, I walked away, but
I remember her from the winter 

when the parking lot was full of snow 
and slush and she walked about it 

to stay warm as she asked for change. 
That day I had a whole dollar to give her. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

This New Society We're In

I think we are far more expressive than ever
and when I say "we" I mean the human race. 

When, before in history, have you seen people 
so responsive, emotive, liking things, loving things, 

laughing uncontrollably or even shedding a tear?
In the verbal world, some barely speak, let alone 

offer a good suggestive nod. The silence about 
ordinary things, once very normal. No one shared, 

no one listened. Now the buffet is jammed packed 
and you, me, everyone, keeps going back for more. 

We've become insatiable in our look into others' lives. 
Once, news got around by telling one person and 

then they would tell another person, and so on. 
Look how modern expediency has shared vacation 

photos, recaps of date night, and school achievements 
of our best and brightest in one click. When have you 

ever received so many birthday wishes? We know 
each other better today than ever before in human history.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


She hates the messages
that imply "I am only your friend
if I can tell you all my ailments
and I won't listen to yours."

She says, one more text to ask 
how I am so she can be sicker, 
more tired, have more problems, 
and I will tell her, I swear I will tell her.

I say, do you know you be-friended
your mother? She laughs and changes 
the subject. After that, we talk about 
her new job and how she is coping with 

adjusting to very normal surroundings. 
She talks about her leg that seemingly 
lost muscle strength, and then decided 
in the same breath, "it must be from the 

antibiotic I'm taking for my infection."
Then more on the infection, ending
with what groceries she will buy.
I had my turn, began to tell her about 

my teenage daughter's emotional 
reaction to social injustice in school. 
It was very, very quiet on the other end. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Even with all the ghosts 
and presumed apparitions 
even with those returning from the dead 

to eat the flesh from our bones.
Even with the possibility of a 
modern-day Jack the Ripper

or even just going to the movies 
nowadays, real scary stuff is 
closer than you think. 

It's so close, with you all the time
never leaves, like gum on your shoe
and it's filled with the scariest stuff 

imaginable. You can't empty it out 
like stinky garbage or throw it away
like old shoes you don't want anymore.

It knows how to conjure ideas, 
thoughts, pictures, all of them not real
and if you're not careful, vigilant 

in your own fiction
you might think they are. 

The Call

Once, we sat by the phone
never leaving its side
afraid to go out, it might be missed.
Now we take it with us 
but we're still as neurotic 
raising the ring tone 
coupling it with vibration
pulling it out of our pocket 
in between breaths
to see if it happened yet
anticipating it to happen
but of course we know 
a watched pot's water never boils
and despite it being so at the ready
we somehow miss it
and all that convenience, 
for what? Are you serious
you forgot to set up voicemail?
Maybe some calls are never 
meant to be answered.