
Monday, April 3, 2017

How He Does It

The smiling stills taken with the kids
irritate me as he does what he does
and confoundingly so. How does he
take a loving, smiling family and
denigrate it with infidelity, satisfy
casual desires at his any whim
so cavalier, so comfortable with deceit.
She is always smiling, holding his
hand, or there's his loving arm
over her shoulder pose.
He's good at pretending
whether to one or the other
and the fluency of his lies
is tradecraft like
weaponry to a terrorist.
The children smile
happily standing alongside
their model loving parents
the same parents who are estranged
in ways they will never know
but I know. I was there,
I had run into him at the pharmacy
years after, and his method still the same.
Lewd photos and vile suggestions
trying to reel me in, once again,
snake his way under my skin
coil himself around my longing
to be loved, intimately so,
after I told him years ago it was over
that I knew I would never be her
in those smiling photos, and he agreed.

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